Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Questionable Food For Hypothyroidism Issues

Once we have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism, paying attention to the foods that we should and should not be eating is critical to our overall health and how we feel. So-called “health foods” can actually be some of the questionable food for hypothyroidism, and should be approached with caution.

 Healthy green vegetables are great, but if they come from the cruciferous family such as broccoli, kale, and so on you need to be very careful about the amount that you eat and when you eat them. They can greatly affect your body’s ability to absorb your thyroid medications.

The best approach is to eat them later in the day so there is been plenty time between when you took your medication and when you are putting these foods in your body. Some people suggest that you avoid the cruciferous vegetables altogether, however they have so many health benefits I just cannot agree with that. If you are careful about the amount that you eat, and when you eat them, you should be okay.

Be sure to do your research and speak with your doctor about the different choices of food for hypothyroidism issues. What is true for one person may not be true for another. I found that Dr. Joel Fuhrman has a phenomenal grasp on the concept of food for health. His concepts of the foods we eat and how they affect our bodies system is very informative.

Read more from Dr. Fuhrman

Monday, May 6, 2013

What Are Some Thyroid Problem Symptoms?

Thyroid symptoms can vary from person to person, however, there are a few symptoms that seem to affect most of us.  The challenge can be that most of the symptoms can also be caused from other ailments as well. This can present a problem because your doctor may treat you for other issues before you finally figure out that your symptoms are a thyroid problem.

For those of us that are suffering from hypothyroidism, the first and biggest symptom is the fatigue.  You just can't seem to get up in the morning, and literally push yourself through the day trying to survive.  Another symptom can be extremely dry skin, and your hair becomes very brittle.  You may also see more hair falling out than usual.

Dry eyes is another symptom.  You may find it difficult to wear contacts anymore because your eyes keep drying out.  I know I did.  It may also seem more difficult to swallow.  As your thyroid becomes overworked it inflames and becomes larger.  Sometimes you can see it on the outside of your throat.  This is sometimes called a goiter.

These are just a few of the symptoms you may encounter.  Your can refer to the post:  So you think you may have hypothyroidism symptoms?...for more symptoms.  If you find that you are experiencing any of these thyroid problem symptoms, go to your doctor and let them know.  They can run a blood test to check your levels and find out if they are low, or your symptoms may be from something else.

Find out more about thyroid symptoms by reading: Could It Be My Thyroid?: The Complete Guide to the Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatments of Thyroid Problems