Wednesday, June 13, 2012

So you think you may have hypothyroidism symptoms?

Have you been feeling tired and unmotivated lately?     
Hypothyroidism is a condition that occurs when your thyroid can no longer produce enough thyroid hormone.  Inflammation of the gland damages the gland’s cells and it can no longer function properly.  Thyroid function is vital to good digestion, immunity, metabolism, energy levels - it pretty much is responsible for running your whole body.  

Symptoms may be so mild and happen so slowly they go unnoticed for years.  Or, if you are like I was, you rationalize the symptoms away to other causes, never thinking it could be your thyroid.
Since hypothyroidism can affect people in different ways, there are a large variety of symptoms that you could be feeling. 
The most common symptoms are:
 Feelings of severe exhaustion and fatigue
(this can be so bad that it is all you can do to roll out of bed and get through the day)
Weight gain you can't explain
(you feel like you starve yourself and still gain weight)
Hair becomes dry and brittle
Skin becomes very dry and sometimes scaly
Face becomes puffy
Difficulty concentrating
(you seem much more forgetful)
Voice may become hoarse

Additional symptoms less common include:
More sensitive to cold
Hands, feet, and joints ache
Loss of sex drive
Itching inside the ear canal
Feel like you can’t get enough oxygen
(especially when you exercise)
Eyes feel dry and gritty
(if you wear contacts it can become a real challenge)
Feel tightness in your throat
Seem to feel sad more often
Shortness of breath
Women are at a much higher risk than men for hypothyroidism. The big concern for women is the symptoms can be similar to the signs and symptoms of menopause.  Because of this, it can be easily misdiagnosed. The only way to know for sure is to request a blood test from your doctor to find out your hormone levels.  Work with your doctor, and ask questions.  Remember, you are your own best advocate!!  No one knows you better, and how you feel then you!!!

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