Thursday, July 5, 2012

Hypothyroid symptoms – Goitrogens

The symptoms of hypothyroidism such as - feelings of severe exhaustion and fatigue,
weight gain you can't explain, your hair being dry and brittle, your skin being very dry and sometimes scaly - may not go away with just medication alone.  You may still feel a lot of these symptoms due to the foods you are eating.  You think you are doing better by making healthy choices never knowing that some of these foods can be counter-productive to your thyroid health.

Many healthy foods contain what are called goitrogens.  Goitrogens are substances that naturally occur in food. They are mainly found in the cabbage family, and in soybeans
Eaten in large amounts, especially if eaten raw, these foods can interfere with your thyroid function.  They inhibit your thyroid from absorbing and processing iodine. 

Cruciferous vegetables that contain goitrogens such as kale, broccoli, cabbage, turnips, brussel sprouts, kohlrabi, cauliflower and spinach all can be steamed and then eaten. 
Cooking these vegetables deactivates the goitrogenic compounds in them so they can be eaten and not slow your thyroid function. 
Steaming is best to get the most health benefits that the vegetables have to offer. 
Other foods that you want to eat in moderation or avoid altogether are strawberries, peanuts, peaches, millet, radishes, soy beans and soy products. 

The best thing to remember is everything in moderation.  The health benefits of all these foods are too important to eliminate completely.
Pay attention to how you feel when you eat these foods.  That will give you a better idea of which foods affect you more.  You need to find your balance and what works best for you.

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